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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I need to cancel an appointment?
Please contact Denise via email or phone 0776 1380 263 to cancel your appointment. If there is reasonable cause, clients may move their treatment forward to a new date after booking and paying for a treatment. However, Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach must be notified of this 24-hours prior to a treatment, or the client’s payment will be forfeited.

What happens if Denise needs to cancel an appointment?

You will be contacted as soon as possible with an explanation and asked to book another appointment. Alternatively, you will be given a full refund.

In a nutshell, what is Reiki?

Reiki is energy, which naturally flows through all living things. However, if your energy is low or unbalanced, you’re more likely to get sick or feel stressed. If it’s high, you’re more capable of being happy and healthy. When you receive extra energy via a Reiki treatment it enhances healing of all types: physical, emotional and mental – it can even help situations or circumstances that are causing unease.

What does Reiki mean?

The word ‘Reiki’ is actually made up of two Japanese words: Rei, which means ‘universal’; and Ki, which means ‘life force energy’. So when you ask for Reiki, it’s Universal Life Force Energy that you’re receiving from a practitioner.

What does a Reiki treatment feel like?

Simply Divine! Although everyone will experience Reiki in a way that it unique to them, many people report feeling a warm, glowing radiance gently flowing through them. Many people feel deeply relaxed. Reiki treats the whole person – body, mind and spirit.

I’m currently receiving treatment in hospital, is Reiki still safe for me?
Yes. As a complimentary treatment Reiki can be used on its own or in conjunction with orthodox medical treatment. Reiki is gentle and therefore easily adapted to most medical conditions and all situations. It may be used safely by people of all ages, including pregnant mothers, new-born babies, surgical patients, the frail and the elderly.

I have cancer, can Reiki help me?

Cancer Research UK have an excellent page on their website explaining how Reiki may help cancer patients and their carers. Find out more.

Will Reiki be able to help my child?

Yes. In addition to physical problems and conditions, children with family worries, problems at school, exam stress or anxiety can all be helped by Reiki.

What if my child doesn’t want to lie down or sit still for their Reiki treatment?
As every treatment is tailored to suit your child, it’s absolutely okay for your child to move, or talk during their Reiki time. If they want to listen to music or even watch their favourite programme on your phone, then that's all good, too. The Cabin has a larger than average treatment bed, so there’ll be plenty of space for you to lie down with your child, wrapped up in blankets, and ready to enjoy 30 minutes of relaxing, healing energy. Although Denise focuses her entire attention on your child, it’s inevitable, and an added bonus, that some of that joyous Reiki energy will be absorbed by whoever accompanies them too.

Has Denise worked with children before?

Yes, and she has a DBS Enhanced Certificate. She has also undergone extensive training in her volunteer role as a family mentor with Home- Start UK, a charity dedicated to helping families with young children facing challenging times. And she’s also a mum.

I can’t get to The Cabin, do you make home visits?

Yes. Within 5 miles of Sandbach, 45 minute home visit appointments are available on Monday & Wednesday mornings at 11am. If you live more than 5 miles from Sandbach, alternative dates/times may be available. Please contact us to discuss options.

I’ve booked a Distance Reiki treatment but I don’t really understand Zoom.
That’s absolutely okay – there really is no need to connect online via Zoom – Denise will still be sending you Reiki, and you will still receive it. If you prefer, Denise will ping you a text message at the start/end of the treatment. However, if you do want to connect via Zoom, it’s very easy software to use and full instructions will be sent to you when you book.

Does Reiki work even if you don’t believe in it?

Yes. Reiki is spiritual in nature, but it isn’t based on any belief or religion – so you really don’t have to believe it works, for it to work!

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