My Journey With Reiki

Let me introduce myself. I'm Denise Pearson, I’m married, have two grown-up children, and I've lived in Sandbach for over 30 years. I was first ‘called’ to Reiki in August 2009. I use the word ‘called’ because until that moment I honestly had no idea what Reiki was.
But there I was, sitting in a car with my two sisters and my mam, driving back from Leighton Hospital, having just been told that my mam had three months to live… My mam had acute leukaemia, and being in her 70s she was deemed too old to be offered treatment. There were many tears that day.
But sitting in the back of the car, I heard a voice in my head tell me very clearly...
“You better learn to give her Reiki then.” I had no idea what Reiki was, but I just knew I had to find out.
Long story short, after discovering that Reiki was a Japanese healing technique, I took my Reiki I qualification one month later, and this was quickly followed by Reiki II four months later in January 2010. Then, in December 2011, I became a Reiki Master.
From the very first day of taking Reiki II training, I started giving Reiki to my mam, and never stopped. Of course, Reiki is a complimentary therapy, so we also asked for a second NHS medical opinion, and my mam was fortunate enough to be offered a place on a medical trial at Christies, in Manchester.
The chemotherapy, and side-effects, were brutal, but mam made it through the treatment and her leukaemia went into remission for several months. Sadly, it did eventually come back and mam died two years after that fateful day in Leighton. But two extra years with mam was better than the three months we’d initially been given. And I was convinced that Reiki had helped that to happen.
Fast forward to today, and after 15 years of happily giving Reiki to friends and family whenever it’s been requested – with some incredible results – I’ve finally started listening to the people who’ve been telling me for years that I should expand my horizons, start a business, and offer Reiki to everyone.
I’ve always been a firm believer in things happening at the right time, which is why I know that now is the right time for me to share the amazing benefits of Reiki with the wider community. My motivation for offering Mintaka Reiki is simple – I know it can help everyone who receives it, and whenever I can help someone, I always will.
If you feel that Reiki might just be the answer you've been looking for, I'd love to work with you.