Over the last six months of running my Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach practice, I’ve realised that when it comes to looking after everybody else, we’re all experts at it! But it usually takes a pretty big ‘nudge’ before we finally put our own needs first. And often that nudge is health-related.
Whatever our kids demand, we do it. Elderly parents need an extra pair of hands – we offer them. Your friend needs a shoulder to cry on, you drop everything to help. But none of us are super heroes, and doing stuff for everyone else soon takes its toll. Sadly, that often means your own physical or mental health suffers.
But that’s where a Reiki Treatment at Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach comes into its own.
Reiki is an ancient healing technique that offers a unique approach to wellness. But it doesn’t just work on a physical level, easing pain and illness, it works on all of you. If there are any emotional blocks you’re struggling with, any situations you’re finding it hard to deal with, then Reiki helps you to release them.

Reiki works by gently harnessing the "life force energy" that flows through every living thing. You can’t see this energy, but boy do you know it when it’s out of balance – because that’s when your life is out of balance.
As a Reiki Therapist with over 15 years of experience, it’s my job to help you restore the balance. And by embracing this ancient practice, by gifting yourself this time of peace and relaxation, you take your first steps towards doing that.
The benefits of Reiki truly are numerous and can have a profound impact on your life. Perhaps you’re looking for something that will reduce your stress, calm the mind and relax the body? Then Reiki is the answer.
And because Reiki accelerates the body's natural healing process, it can also help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote overall physical well-being.
It might only take one Reiki Treatment to get you back on track, or you might need more, depending on what’s going on with you.
But when you decide to invest in your own self-worth and book a Reiki Treatment you really can just hand everything that’s troubling you over to Reiki healing. It’s a deeply relaxing experience – and unlike the rest of life, it doesn’t require you to do anything except dedicate some time to your own health and well-being.
So why not do something that’s exclusively for you? I know you won’t regret it.
Until next week.
Much love,