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Writer's pictureDenise Pearson

My first month as a Reiki Therapist in Sandbach.

And it’s been a joy!

I want to mark this first landmark by offering everyone an exclusive discount on their next Reiki Treatment. But before I get to that, do you want to know what this month's really taught me?


Well, I honestly had no idea of what to expect when I started my new Reiki practice. I just felt the time was right, and everything just seemed to fall into place to make it happen. So I went for it.


But it’s definitely been a steep learning curve.

Sandbach Reiki Therapist Denise Pearson with a Mintaka Teddy.
Me and my Mintaka Teddy - helping me deal with life's ups and downs.

It’s hard to believe it’s only been four weeks since I launched Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach, welcoming people to The Cabin to enjoy the deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience that is Reiki.


I’ve met some beautiful new clients – the youngest was only 4, the eldest just about to turn 80 – and as I asked what they were hoping to get out of our Reiki time together, it’s been fascinating to hear their stories.


There were several new clients who were dealing with chronic pain, two beautiful ladies with fertility issues, a child who needed help with their anger problem, and a wonderful woman who was struggling to make a massive decision. To name but a few. Judging from the lovely feedback I’ve had (check out my 5* Google reviews!) I know Reiki has definitely helped them.


But without a doubt, the most common reason people came to me for Reiki this month was because they were hoping it would help them deal with their stress and anxiety, which was overshadowing everything else in their life.


I hadn’t realised that April was Stress Awareness Month when I launched my Reiki practice. And it’s alarming just how much stress, and the related health issues it often manifests, is affecting so many people. Including children.

A Reiki Treatment with Denise Pearson can help you deal with stress and anxiety.
Stress and anxiety can lead to overwhelm. Reiki is always there to help.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, in the past year 74% of people have felt so stressed that have been overwhelmed or unable to cope. Sadly, as those people coming to me for Reiki have found, there’s no magic wand to wave to make stress go away. But with repeated Reiki top-ups, as I like to call them, they’re gradually finding a way out of the darkness.


It’s the same with physical ailments and conditions. Although in some cases one Reiki Treatment might be enough to flick the switch back to wellness, I’ve found that it usually takes two or three Reiki sessions before obvious improvements are seen.


But that’s not to say that Reiki hasn’t been working away quietly in the background, doing its thing. Because that’s exactly how Reiki works. No big fanfares. Just sustained and positive improvements.


But I guess the really big lesson I’ve learnt this month is to take a step back, and accept that I can’t heal the world!


As much as I want to help people, and I know without a doubt that Reiki can do that, it saddens me when I know in my heart that more Reiki sessions are exactly what a client needs, but they decide not to return.


I know there could be any number of reasons for that – maybe its financial, maybe they didn’t ‘feel’ what they’d hoped to, or maybe it’s just a touch of fear kicking in? Whatever their reasons, I’m working hard on my own reaction of just accepting that whatever happens, happens. And that it’s all happening for the right reasons.


So that’s what this first month has taught me.


Just to let it be.


To stop worrying, or wondering or asking why. It’s the kind of advice I often give my clients, and now it’s my turn to take it.


As I look forward to the start of my second month with Mintaka, I can’t wait to see what it brings. I look forward to welcoming clients back, and hopefully seeing lots of new faces, too. Doing this work really is a joy!


And as anyone who knows me will confirm, I always love sharing my joy, which is why I’d like to offer everyone £5 off all of my Reiki Treatments.


Please book for a date and time in the future that suits you – but to take advantage of this offer your treatment must be booked online before next week’s Blog (Sunday May 12 2024).

Just enter JOY in the promo code box at checkout, to receive your £5 discount.

Until next week,

Much love,



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