I never cease to be amazed at the number of clients visiting Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach for the first time, who tell me they decided to book an appointment after several “nudges” to do so.
That’s what Reiki healing does, you see.
When it knows you need it, or when you’re ready to embrace it, then Reiki will do whatever it takes to make itself heard. Even the fact that you’re reading this now, is one of the “nudges” I’m talking about.
Perhaps a friend will mention that they’ve had Reiki, and confide how much it helped them. Or maybe you’ll see an article on-line that describes what this ancient healing technique can do.

Regardless of how you come across Reiki, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed when you discover how much it can help you.
One lady explained recently how she’d been feeling really run down for several weeks – she’s a carer for more than one family member – and she admitted she was struggling to juggle everything. There was always so much to do, that putting herself first was just out of the question.
But that’s when the panic attacks started.
Cue a couple of those “nudges” I mentioned, and after finally accepting that she needed to put her own well-being first for a change, she booked an appointment.
When we met, she was literally running on empty. Thankfully, her first Reiki Treatment helped her feel so much better that she's been a regular ever since, coming for a Reiki top-up every couple of weeks.
Sadly, her story isn’t uncommon. But if you’re lucky, you’ll listen to that inner voice that’s telling you to stop and do something about it. If you don’t listen, the voice will keep getting louder, sometimes even manifesting as a physical pain or disease, which is usually the kind of thing that finally hammers home the message that it’s time for self-care.
But who wants to wait till a visit to the GP is called for, when there’s so much you can do to help yourself before then? That’s where Reiki can help.
Reiki is a complimentary therapy that can be used alone, or in conjunction with orthodox medicine. It’s brilliant for helping with stress and anxiety, physical and mental pain, post-operative health, infertility… you name it, Reiki can help it.
So why not sign up my website – you’ll not only be emailed an instant discount code for use on any of my Reiki Treatments – but you can read some of my client testimonials and discover how Reiki has helped other people. Now that’s a pretty good “nudge,” don’t you think?
Until next week.
Much love,