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Writer's pictureDenise Pearson

What Is Reiki Healing good for?

Let me tell you how it helped to heal my daughter.


Following on from the lovely response I had to last week’s Blog, when I shared how Reiki Therapy had helped my son with his phobia, I thought it would be helpful if I occasionally shared some more of my real-life Reiki stories to highlight other Reiki benefits.

Although I’ve only just started my own Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach practice (we’re coming up to the end of month one next week!) I’ve been giving Reiki healing to family and friends for 15 years, and have seen multiple benefits.


There’s lots of stories I could tell you, which will hopefully give you a flavour of how Reiki helps in all kinds of ways, but because I particularly love to help children, this week I’d like to tell you about my daughter.

Sandbach Reiki Therapist Denise Pearson explains how Reiki healing helped to heal her daughter's heart..
Let me tell you how Reiki helped to heal my daughter's heart.

She was only the second person I’d ever given Reiki to, and as I was just starting out on energy healing myself, we were both very new to the experience.


She was 10 years old, it was winter time, and there were a lot of colds going around. It was the middle of the night when she called out to us, so I went into her bedroom. I didn’t turn the light on initially, but just went to cuddle and comfort her.


She explained her throat was hurting and she felt hot, so I asked if she wanted some Reiki. When she agreed, we sat Reiki cuddling for maybe 10 or 15 minutes and I could feel the energy between us - but it came to a sudden end when my daughter was sick!


At that point I put on the light to start cleaning up, and that’s when I saw for the first time that she was covered from head to toe in a rash. It was pretty worrying, but thankfully we managed to get a GP appointment the following morning, which ultimately resulted in a streptococcal virus diagnosis.


But the GP also found something a little more worrying - my daughter had developed a heart murmur.


As we waited for a follow-up hospital appointment and heart scan with a consultant, the only thing I could do to help my daughter was Reiki. Just ten minutes or so, a couple of times a day, but she (and I) always felt better afterwards as it helped us both feel calmer about the situation.

Sandbach Reiki Therapist Denise Pearson gave her daughter Reiki to help heal her heart.
Giving my daughter Reiki healing helped us both feel calmer.

Fast forward again to our hospital appointment, where the consultant explained that the heart murmur would be monitored over the coming months/years. But he also revealed that the scan she’d just had showed that my daughter now had several small holes in heart - thought to be a side-effect of the streptococcus virus.


Holes in the heart and heart murmurs - this was not what we were expecting to hear about an otherwise very healthy little girl.


So that’s when I really stepped up the Reiki; every night before she fell asleep, I gave her Reiki for around 20 minutes. This went on for several weeks, until our next hospital appointment a couple of months later…


…and that’s when the consultant confirmed that the heart murmur had completely gone, and so too had the many little holes in her heart. She was being discharged. 


I asked the consultant if this was ‘normal’, and while he confirmed that it was entirely normal for the body to gradually heal itself, he admitted he was surprised that it had happened so quickly.


We were surprised, too!

As I’d mentioned, I was only just starting out on Reiki myself, so I really didn’t know what to expect. But as I’ve discovered over the years, Reiki helps to speed up the healing process - I was just so grateful for the “sweet little mystery” of Reiki!


Those were the song lyrics I woke up to this morning: “It’s just that sweet little mystery…”


I quite often wake up with a song playing in my head - but that’s a whole different Blog post! I usually have no idea where the song came from, so I often have to Google the lyrics to find out more (Sweet Little Mystery was a Wet Wet Wet song from the 1980s).


I’ve come to realise that the song lyrics I wake up to usually convey a message that I need to hear.


Knowing I was going to write this Blog about my daughter today, it reminded me of another conversation I had earlier this week with a new client who was feeling a little spaced out after his Reiki Treatment in The Cabin.


As we sat chatting for a while before he headed home, he explained that he’d tried numerous other alternative therapies to help him deal with his anxiety and stress, in his bid to achieve wellness. But he found that Reiki was the one thing that always delivered for him.


He also admitted that he didn’t like to delve too deeply into how Reiki worked, he just knew that it did. And I couldn’t agree more.


I certainly don’t have all the answers about how Reiki works, and I’m happy to admit that my entire journey with Reiki so far has indeed been a sweet little mystery that started by mending my daughter’s heart, and went on to steal my own.


If you’d like to find out how Reiki can help you, I’d love to meet you. Just click below to book online.

Until next week.

Much love,


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