Recently, I’ve seen a marked increase in the number of children who’ve been coming for a 30-minute Reiki Treatment in The Cabin.
Of course, while it’s sad that children, as well as adults, are facing tough times, it makes me so happy that parents and guardians are willing to embrace the gentle approach of Reiki in order to help them.
Reiki is a safe, natural, and simple healing technique that brings balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. It’s suitable for everyone – from newborns to the elderly – but it’s not just about physical healing; it also delves deep into emotional and spiritual wellness, offering a holistic approach to self-care.
I know that many parents have learned how to practice Reiki for themselves, so that they can in turn give it to their children. If this is something of interest, you can read more about my Reiki training courses by clicking below:
But I also know from experience that there’s even more that parents can do to help their children cope with life’s difficulties – and that why I’ve created a brand-new Reiki for Children training course!
This one-to-one, two-hour course is designed specifically to help children deal with whatever it is that causing them problems. If you’d like to read more about what this entails, just click below:
Whether it’s school stress, social anxiety, physical pain, difficult times at home – or anything in between – Reiki always offers an answer.
Now that I’ve got my own Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach practice, and after giving Reiki healing to family and friends for over 15 years, I’ve seen multiple benefits and some wonderful – and often unbelievable – success stories with what Reiki has been able to achieve (except I can assure you that every “unbelievable” story I share is true, and actually happened).
There’s lots of stories I could tell you, but to coincide with the launch of my brand-new Reiki I Training course for children, I’d like to tell you about my daughter when she was a little girl.
She was only the second person I’d ever given Reiki to, and she was 10 years old. As it was winter time, there were a lot of colds going around and it was the middle of the night when she called out, so I went into her bedroom. I didn’t turn the light on initially, but just went to comfort her.
My daughter explained her throat was hurting and she felt hot, so after asking if she wanted some Reiki, we sat Reiki cuddling for maybe 10 or 15 minutes and I could feel the energy between us – but it came to a sudden and abrupt halt when my daughter was sick!
At that point I put on the light to start cleaning up, and that’s when I saw she was covered from head to toe in a nasty rash. Thankfully, we managed to get a GP appointment the following morning, which ultimately resulted in a streptococcal virus diagnosis.
But the GP also found something a little more worrying – my daughter had developed a heart murmur. And a follow-up scan at the hospital also showed that she had several small holes in her heart – thought to be a side-effect of the streptococcus virus.
Holes in the heart and a heart murmur – this was not what we were expecting to hear about an otherwise very healthy little girl.
So that’s when I really stepped up the Reiki: every night before she fell asleep, I gave her Reiki for around 20 minutes. This went on for several weeks, until our next hospital appointment a couple of months later…
…and that’s when the consultant confirmed that the heart murmur had completely gone, and so too had the many little holes in her heart. She was discharged.
As I’ve discovered over the years since, whatever it is that you’re dealing with, whether adult or child, Reiki helps to speed up the healing process.
Now, I certainly don’t have all the answers about how Reiki actually works, I just know that it does – and although for me Reiki started out by mending my daughter’s heart, it definitely went on to steal my own as I witnessed time and time again just what it can do.
If you’d like to find out how Reiki can help you – or your children – I’d love to chat further. And if you sign up for future updates to this Blog, you’ll also receive a 30% discount on your first Reiki Treatment.
Until next week.
Much love,