This week I was fortunate enough to meet some new and lovely people who came to The Cabin in Sandbach for a Reiki Treatment. But I'm gonna be completely honest with you here, because although I’ve been giving Reiki to friends and family for 15 years, suddenly, I got nervous.
This is still a very new business venture for me so, perhaps understandably, each time I waited for a new client to arrive, apprehension started kicking in.
I wasn’t nervous about the Reiki – that never lets anyone down, I knew it'd flow and everyone would receive all that they needed. But I was nervous about what these new people would think of me.
And that got me thinking about how my clients must be feeling, coming to somewhere new for a Reiki Treatment, meeting a Reiki Therapist they’ve never spent time with before. Would they be nervous too?
So, I decided to ask them. And most of my clients agreed that they were a little worried, because (with just a couple of exceptions) they’d never had a Reiki Treatment before, so they didn’t know what to expect.
I try to explain on my website what it’s like to receive Reiki, but I’ll admit that words can’t really do it justice, because every Reiki experience is unique to that individual on that particular day.
All I can ever promise is that Reiki always works for the greatest and highest good of the person receiving it. So, I just ask my clients to trust. Trust that the Reiki is working. Trust that I’ll look after them. Trust that they’ll get exactly what they need out of the experience (which might not always be the same as what they say they want…)
But it isn't always that easy to hand over control and trust, is it? Especially when your mind goes into overdrive and starts reminding you of everything that might go wrong, or tells you about the other things you should be doing right now. That's when it takes all your will power to remind yourself that your mind isn't the one running the show. You are. And you are so much more than your mind.
Again, I know that's easier said than done. But that's where Reiki steps in. Because when you surrender to the universal life force energy that is Reiki, you're effectively letting go of trying to control everything yourself, you're telling your mind to take a tea break, and you're allowing a far higher intelligence to give you everything you need right now.
Making a return trip to The Cabin this week, one of my younger clients admitted she was feeling nervous about going back to school tomorrow and she was hoping the extra energy she received via Reiki would help calm her growing fears. As all my child clients are given their own Mintaka Teddy to help them reconnect to Reiki if ever times get tough, this gorgeous little girl also brought her bear back for a Reiki top-up.

That made me think how wonderful it'd be if we adults could have a bear to hug too, for whenever we felt nervous! But in a way, asking for Reiki is a bit like asking for a hug. Sometimes, we all just need to be held, to be reassured that everything will be okay.
And I think that's what Reiki feels like.
Going back to those new and lovely people who came to The Cabin this week, I can honestly say it was a privilege to meet them.
And I’m very grateful that they decided to carve out some time for themselves, time dedicated entirely to their own well-being. Because so many people don’t. They allow their nerves about trying something new to get the better of them (not that Reiki is a new therapy, it’s been around for over 100 years). But people just soldier on, putting everyone else’s needs before their own, until finally they break under the strain.
Time spent with Reiki, however, is time dedicated to a re-set. And when life starts to overwhelm us, we all need one of those every now and again.
At the end of their Reiki Treatment in The Cabin, I was curious to know how my clients were now feeling. Had all the nerves gone? Well, I’m pleased to report that, without exception, by the end of our Reiki time together, all fears had disappeared and there was nothing but positive energy in the room.
We may have met as strangers just an hour earlier, but I can honestly say we said goodbye as friends – I even got a couple of hugs, which was gorgeous.
So, if you’re worried about taking that first step and exploring Reiki for yourself, I hope you’ll feel a little less nervous after reading this. It really is such an uplifting experience, and I’d love you to experience the all-encompassing hug that is Reiki.
Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to sign up to my website to unlock exclusive discounts (which includes 20% off your first treatment!) Go on, don’t be nervous – just press the button, I promise you won’t regret it.
Much love - and hugs!