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Have you ever been through one of those really massive life experiences that you absolutely did not see coming, but it’s changed your life forever?

That sums up in a nutshell what’s been happening to one of my clients over the last couple of months. Obviously, I won’t reveal any confidential details, but she’s happy to share her story in the hope that it’ll help other people facing something similar.


Two months ago, this woman (let’s call her Sue) truly believed she was happily married, and was even contemplating having a baby with the man she’d dated since she was 17. They’ve now been married for several years, and the time felt right to start a family.


Until the night he told her he was having an affair.


To say her world collapsed around her is an understatement. She couldn’t work, eat, sleep; nothing made sense anymore. She was struggling just to get out of bed each morning. It was actually her mum who suggested she came to visit me at Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach (her mum is also a client of mine, so she knew all about the healing benefits of Reiki).


When Sue first visited The Cabin for a Reiki Treatment, she really was just going through the motions to appease her mum; she had no expectations of Reiki being able to help her.

Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach helps you cope when the unexpected happens.
When your world collapses, you can always find a way forward with Reiki.


Sue told me that usually she was a very positive person, but not anymore. She felt that everything was out of her control, that she was powerless; her husband’s affair had really knocked her self-worth and she felt abandoned.


But something happened after that very first Reiki treatment. Sue felt a weird sense of peace and calm, which was something she hadn’t felt since that fateful night when her marriage fell apart.


She’s been visiting me every week for two months now, and every visit I see a difference in her. Sue returned to work after a couple of weeks, she’s been able to speak rationally to her husband about their next steps, and she’s even stopped crying!


But perhaps the biggest change I’ve seen in Sue is that she’s now happy to just take one day at a time, and she isn’t terrified of the future anymore.


That’s what Reiki does. It balances everything, and it helps you to accept everything just as it is, which in turn helps you deal with the day.


Sue has started to increase the time between her Reiki Treatments, so she doesn’t need to come to see me every week now - which is a wonderful testament to just how much she’s changed from that first day we met. She freely admits though, that she doesn’t know how she would have got through the last couple of months without the support of Reiki.


If, like Sue, you’re facing life challenges of your own, I’d love you to consider coming for Reiki. It’s difficult to put into words just how supportive and nurturing it can be. But once you’ve tried it, you’ll know.

Until next week,

Much love,




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