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Writer's pictureDenise Pearson

How my clients deal with their chronic pain by using Reiki. It can help you, too.

Updated: May 13, 2024

At my Reiki practice in Sandbach, I’m currently working with three clients who are dealing with chronic pain. I’m delighted to say that, without exception, they’ve each found Reiki to be a much-needed respite from the constant discomfort they endure every day.


Two of my clients are waiting for hip replacement operations, thankfully now each scheduled to happen within the next couple of months.

One hip client has Reiki every other Friday afternoon, because she knows that will help her have a weekend where her pain is muted and bearable; the other comes to see me every week.


But my third client, who has been dealing with chronic pain for several years, attributes her condition to the side effects of medication she’s taking for another condition.


Whatever the cause of their persistent pain, I think all three of my clients have one thing in common – they feel isolated and unable to truly offload and explain what it is that they’re going through. They just have to get on with life the best they can.

They suffer in silence.

An elderly client who is forced to deal with chronic pain.
Chronic pain can lead you to suffer in silence.


The NHS has an excellent website which explains various ways to deal with chronic pain. You can check it out for yourself here:


Among the various recommendations given in this NHS resource, relaxation and meditation are two of the self-help practices it endorses; there’s even a link to a free 20-minute meditation specifically designed to relieve the stress of pain by leading you into a deep state of relaxation.


I’ve listened to it, it’s very good; and you can check it out for yourself here:


I’m a huge advocate of meditation and wholeheartedly recommend it; I meditate most days and join an online early morning meditation group three times a week to meditate as a collective.

Meditating in a group can help with stress and pain.
Meditation can help people deal with their pain.


I’ll admit though, it’s taken me years of practice to be able to quickly settle my mind and enjoy the enormous benefits of meditation. So I recognise that it’s not always easy to switch off and calm that chattering mind, especially when you’re in pain.


But that’s where a Reiki Therapist can help you.


Reiki healing is a deeply relaxing experience that doesn’t require the client to do anything except dedicate some time to their own well-being.


And when you decide to invest in your own self-worth, to do something that’s exclusively for you, you really can just hand everything over to Reiki healing.


For 45-minutes or so, you can just deeply relax, safe in the knowledge that your therapist, and Reiki, has got you, and that they’re intuitively working together to bring you relief from the pain.

Reiki healing is a deeply relaxing therapy that can help with pain relief.
Reiki healing is a deeply relaxing therapy that can help with pain relief.


It may not happen instantly, but over the coming hours and days, most people see a marked improvement in their pain level. The relief can last for a few days, and with regular Reiki top-ups, the duration of that relief gradually increases.


One of my clients confided that, in the days before her first Reiki Treatment with me, she’d been looking online at ordering a mobility scooter because she was in so much pain she just couldn’t walk. But after that first Reiki session she immediately felt like she could sit up straight again, she wasn’t hunched up with the pain.


The relief from her chronic pain lasted a couple of days, and now she’s just had another Reiki Treatment, we’re both hoping the effects last even longer. As anyone living with pain will no doubt agree, any respite, for however long it lasts, is a blessing.


But something else, just as incredible, also happened with this particular client. Just days after her first Reiki Treatment, she finally followed her intuition.


Intuition is that gut feeling that we all get sometimes, a feeling that tells us what we need to do, or say. But so often, we ignore that feeling.


My client confided that she’d had a feeling for years that it was her medication that was the root cause of her chronic pain, but she’d never acted on that feeling.


Days after her first Reiki Treatment, however, and fully supported by her NHS practitioners, she decided to stop taking that particular medication and is currently in the process of deciding next steps.


Reiki is not a replacement for orthodox medical treatment, it’s a complementary therapy that can work perfectly in partnership with NHS treatment and medication. But it works on so many other levels, too.


As my client discovered, Reiki helped her to find her voice, and by following that small intuitive voice inside that had been trying to guide her for such a long time, she was finally able to make a decision about her own well-being.


It never ceases to amaze me how Reiki works on so many levels.

It’d be wonderful if the NHS could recommend energy medicine in the same way it recommends meditation! I think it will happen one day – even Cancer Research UK recognises the beneficial effects of Reiki, which you read about on my Working With The NHS webpage here:


But until that day comes, I’ll just keep continuing in my own small way to let people know that they don’t have to suffer in silence, there is something more you can do to help manage your chronic pain.

It’s called Reiki.

Until next week.

Much love,




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