I’ve had a couple of clients this week at Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach who’ve admitted they’re really worried.
One has a huge life event about to take place, the other is worried about her son. Although they were both coming to me for Reiki for entirely different (physical) reasons, it was clear to me that worry was weighing them down and we really needed to address that.
Reiki is a safe, natural, and simple healing technique, which many people do turn to as a way of helping them with a physical problem, such as pain, or insomnia or infertility.
But Reiki is not just about physical healing; it also delves deep into emotional and spiritual wellness – which is where it can help you with worry, stress, and anxiety.
I bet there’s very few people who don’t worry about something or other every single day. But in the Reiki world, we see that as being such a waste of our precious energy.
In my Sandbach Reiki practice, I have a picture on The Cabin wall which highlights the five principles of Reiki. The principles aren’t rules, they’re spiritual ideals, a set of guidelines for living a happier and more fulfilled life.
And “Just for today, I will not worry” is right at the top of that list!

Worry causes stress and anxiety, leading to an imbalance of the body, mind, and spirit, which in turn can lead to a blockage in the root chakra.
And how many times have you spent time worrying about something that never actually happened anyway?
The best way to overcome worry is to accept that all of us are faced with difficulties and setbacks in our lives. How we respond to these difficulties, however, determines how we ultimately lead our lives.
If you choose to respond negatively, by getting upset and anxious towards one of life’s setbacks, you have chosen to damage the balance of your body, mind, and spirit.
If you respond positively, by accepting the setback as an opportunity to learn and grow, you can live a happier and more fulfilling life.
So how do you respond positively?
Well, there’s one very easy way: allow yourself time each day to really laugh and have fun! Watch a funny film, listen to a comedy podcast, or perhaps read a humorous book.
Whatever it takes to make you laugh - do it!
And if you want to be happy, mix with happy people. Likewise, if you want to be negative and constantly worrying, you simply need to associate with people who are negative and worrisome.
Laughter is a wonderful healer.
It’s been proven through numerous studies that laughter really can heal, and in some cases even prevent, life-threatening illnesses.
So next time you become aware that you’re worrying again, why not try to distract yourself by something fun instead?
Life’s too short to waste it worrying.
Until next week,
Much love,