Maybe it’s because we’re at the start of a new year and resolutions to put your own self-care further up your agenda are still a priority. Or maybe it’s just because word of Mintaka Reiki in Sandbach is spreading…
Whatever the reason, I’ve had a huge influx of new subscribers to my website recently, so I think now is a good time to go back to basics.
So, what exactly is Reiki – and how can it help you heal?
This is a question I start all my Reiki Training days with (btw, I still have a couple of spaces left on my Feb 15/16 courses, so just click below if you’d like to learn how to give yourself Reiki.
In a nutshell, Reiki is an ancient healing technique. Its origins date back many thousands of years, but just over 100 years ago, it was rediscovered by a Japanese scholar named Dr Mikao Usui.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word, which means Universal Life Force Energy. And it’s this ‘Ki energy’ that helps you heal.
When you feel healthy and full of enthusiasm, the flow of Ki energy in your body is high and unencumbered. Life seems easier to deal with, and you have a higher resistance to illness and disease.
However, when your Ki energy is low, because maybe you’re under stress or feeling unhappy and tired, you will be more susceptible to disease and sickness. Your attitude will be generally negative, and you will find it difficult to deal with life’s challenges.
That’s where a Reiki Practitioner like me comes in.
After Dr Usui discovered that Ki energy can be manipulated to help enhance healing of all types – physical, emotional and mental – he trained over 2000 students in Japan. Reiki then gradually made its way from the East to Western societies, which means that practitioners like me can now be found across the globe.
So, what happens when you have Reiki?
Well, you’re full-dressed when having a Reiki Treatment, and usually you lie down, but it works just as well if you’d prefer to sit in a chair.
Usually, the Reiki Practitioner places their hands on the client’s body in order to manipulate, or channel, Ki energy. However, it’s also widely accepted that Reiki is equally effectively ‘hands-off’, with the practitioner’s hands raised just above the client’s body, if they’d prefer that.
Reiki is very gentle, and deeply relaxing, it’s therefore easily adapted to most medical conditions and all situations. It can be used safely by people of all ages, including pregnant mothers, new-born babies, surgical patients, the frail, and the elderly.
Reiki is an ‘holistic’ practice, which means it treats all of you – body, mind, and soul – but while Reiki is spiritual in nature, it isn’t based on any belief or religion, so you really don’t even have to believe it works, for it to work!
It’s hoped that, as more research takes place, we’ll eventually be able to scientifically measure the Ki energy emitted from a practitioner’s hands, with so-called ‘energy medicine’ becoming the norm, rather than the exception.
Until then though, the new clients I see coming to The Cabin each week all have one thing in common – they’ve decided to try out this Reiki thing for themselves to see if it actually does work.
Judging by the number of regular clients I now have booking their Reiki sessions every week, or month, I’d say that most people are swiftly convinced by the healing power of Reiki.
Of course, you don’t have to take my word for it – the best way to discover the joy of Reiki is to try it for yourself: to put your own well-being at the very top of your agenda, and for 45-minutes to just let everything else fall away, as I concentrate solely on balancing the Ki energy within you.
That’s why I offer reduced rates for your first Reiki Treatment, because I’m so passionate about this truly unique and wonderful way of life, and I’d love everyone else to discover it, too. (Just subscribe to my website at the top of this page to get 30% off.)
So, there you have it, a beginner’s guide to Reiki, which will hopefully also be the start of an amazing journey of self-discovery for you.
Until next week.
Much love,